From bleach plants to cooling towers, Fibreglass Solutions assists owners, engineers, and contractors every day with material selection, system design, stress analysis, manufacturing, spooling and supply of custom glass-reinforced vinyl ester (GRVE) pipe, fittings, spools and vessels.
From ½” to 72” diameter, we specialize in designing and manufacturing custom prefabricated ducting, drain and pressure piping systems to minimize field fabrication and installation costs for your complex greenfield project or retrofit. Our custom vinyl ester solutions are produced via hand layup and filament winding using a variety of resin system options that suit your project’s specific process requirements.
Industries served include pulp and paper, power, petroleum, chemical processing, water and wastewater, metals and mining, food processing, and electronics.
Products include process and effluent piping, process drains, abrasion resistant piping, duct systems, vent hoods, liners, stacks and secondary containment systems.